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Sunday, September 25, 2011

General T. J. Churchill Chapter #1373 Celebrates 100th Anniversary

The grand day of the celebration for the General T. J. Churchill Chapter arrived on Saturday, August 27, 2011. A Victorian Tea was held at the Frederick Hanger House, circa 1889, to welcome out of town guests. A delicious and beautiful arrangement of delicacies was prepared by Chapter members. Guests were taken back to a gracious Victorian era in preparation for the awaiting events of the evening. Lively piano music provided the musical backdrop for the tea in the historic home.

Guests entered the First Ladies Ballroom of the Holiday Inn Presidential to the melodious sounds of the SoMa String Quartet, under the direction of Mr. Joe Joyner. The group provided the music for the entire evening which concluded with a ball.
After a welcome by Kay Tatum, President of the Churchill Chapter, the invocation was given by Lois Clifton, Churchill Chapter Chaplain. The colors were posted by a Confederate Color Guard with the pledges led by Churchill Chapter members.

A bestowal of the Vietnam Cross of Military Service award was presented to COL Phillip A. Snodgrass M.D. Dr. Snodgrass is the great-grandson of Andrew Jackson Snodgrass, who signed as recommendation for Mrs. T. J. Churchill’s membership into the General T. J. Churchill Chapter, UDC, organized in her husband’s memory.

Three new members were welcomed into membership during the historical event. Mrs. Pam Trammell, past AR Division President, with Mrs. Mary Jackson, current AR Division President, presented new member certificates to Mrs. Inez Patchell, Ms. Sandra Sample and Mrs. Inez Stone. The new members were escorted to the podium by Mrs. Mavis Griggs, Churchill Registrar.

Arkansas Division President Mary Jackson presented a lovely greeting on behalf of the Arkansas Division. A brief address was given by Churchill President, Kay Tatum and gifts of gratitude were presented. Mrs. Tatum thanked the many ladies of the Churchill membership who worked so hard to make the Victorian Tea and historic banquet and ball a success.

The General T. J. Churchill Chapter was organized on July 17, 1911 and Charted on September 11, 1911.